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来源:https://www.xinnuoshang.cn   发布时间:2024-07-09      


Tiktok search traffic push


Business owners know that Tiktok is a traffic treasure, but do you really understand the traffic push logic of Tiktok Search? Tiktok search is actually a game of "supply and demand matching". When users need it, Tiktok will become a matchmaker and push the most suitable content to users. This logic sounds simple, but there are many tricks inside!


For example, the search logic of Tiktok information flow advertisement is "product → platform recommendation → consumer", while the search advertisement is "consumer → active search → product". When the user needs to search in Tiktok, the system will find the content related to the user's search in the content library, and then screen out the videos with high matching degree for display, and arrange them according to the data performance.


This process can be summarized as: user search → system recognition → content crawling → ranking recommendation. The most important thing to do well in Tiktok search ranking optimization is to predict the user's search intention.


Tiktok search rank output direction


How can we predict users' search intentions? Firstly, we need to identify the content that users may search for, and then pre create these contents into short video format for publication. The following five directions will be the key to content output:

1. 用户问题汇总

1. Summary of User Issues


Deeply understand user needs, organize common questions into a table, and continuously enrich the question bank through sales feedback, questionnaire surveys, and other methods.

2. 巨量算数选词工具

2. Large scale arithmetic word selection tool


There is a keyword option on the home page. After entering a core word, the relevant data of the core word will appear, which can be used to determine whether the value of the core word is worth Tiktok search ranking optimization. In addition, there is correlation analysis of core words, which can show the popularity of related words and help us filter out high-quality keywords.

3. 下拉词汇总

3. Pull down vocabulary total


Use the Tiktok search bar to input core words, focus on drop-down words and related issues, and provide users with more accurate content.

4. 评论区的关键词汇总

4. Summary of keywords in the comment section


Pay attention to the core keywords that appear in the comment section, as well as the blue font in user comments, which are the focus of user attention.

5. 系列知识点合集

5. Collection of Series Knowledge Points


Through a collection format, output a series of professional knowledge, such as explanations of different industries and applications in different scenarios.


In addition, following the summary of content in the same industry is also a good choice, which can promote the formation of user behavior tags for the account. Once the tags are formed, the system will be more inclined to push relevant content, allowing us to receive more recommendations in the dropdown, comment, and search areas.


Layout keywords



After understanding the user's search intent, we also need to pay attention to keyword layout. Based on Tiktok algorithm, video interaction data has an important impact on ranking. Therefore, the effective interaction between the comment area and users, as well as data such as likes, comments and referrals, are important indicators of official reference and Tiktok keyword ranking.


The system defaults to videos with better interactive data, which may be content that users prefer. Therefore, God reviews, keyword reviews, and the level of likes have become the key factors affecting the ranking of Tiktok search keywords.


In order to improve the ranking of Tiktok search keywords, we can arrange keywords from the following aspects:

1. 优化视频标题、标签和描述,使其包含核心关键词,提高视频在搜索结果中的曝光度。

1. Optimize video titles, tags, and descriptions to include core keywords and increase video exposure in search results.

2. 在视频内容中自然融入关键词,让用户在观看过程中感受到相关性。

2. Incorporate keywords naturally into the video content to make users feel relevant during the viewing process.

3. 互动环节,鼓励用户发表与关键词相关的评论,提高评论区的关键词密度。

3. In the interactive section, encourage users to post comments related to keywords and increase the keyword density in the comment area.

4. 定期分析数据,调整关键词策略,以适应不断变化的市场需求。

4. Regularly analyze data and adjust keyword strategies to adapt to constantly changing market demands.


Only by mastering the underlying logic of the Tiktok search traffic algorithm can business owners be comfortable on this platform. By accurately predicting user search intentions, optimizing content output direction, and cleverly arranging keywords, we will stand out in this game of "supply and demand matching" and gain more traffic and attention.

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